Impact of Money Supply on Consumption Expenditure in Pakistan

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Consumption is one of the basic needs of the human being. Where economic is the social science in which we study how to fulfill our basic needs with unlimited desires and scarce resources. These days’ major issue of generally any economy and particularly Pakistan economy is printing of lot of money i.e. increase in money supply. Now the question is how this increase in money supply affects the consumption expenditure in Pakistan? To get the answer of this question many scholars and authors such as Mushtaq, Ghafoor, Abedullah and Ahmed (2011), Choudhry and Noor (2009) and Zakaria (2007) examine the impact of money supply growth on consumption expenditure and found positive relationship between the both. Empirical studies by scholars like Mthuli Ncube and Eliphas Ndou (2011) have shown that there is no direct impact of money supply on consumption expenditure rather it effects the spending of consumer indirectly. Consumption can be changed due to change in interest rate i.e. initially change due to change in money supply. There are two ways through which interest rate can effect consumption expenditure one is direct and other is indirect way. Direct method shows direct impact of interest rate on consumption. The indirect method further operates in two ways. First change in interest rate has strong impact on demand of housing it means it will affect prices of housing so that shows change in wealth of household. In second steps that further lead to decrease in the consumption expenditure of people. The direct effect shows that increase in interest rate has income ...

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...nding in South Africa: An SVAR Approach, Working Paper (133) African Development Bank Group; JUNE 2011


Dependent Variable: CONS

Method: Least Squares

Date: 05/28/13 Time: 16:03

Sample: 1991 2011

Included observations: 21

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 0.127347 0.731953 0.173983 0.8637

MS 1.018728 0.025931 39.28637 0.0001

R-squared 0.987839 Mean dependent var 28.87062

Adjusted R-squared 0.987199 S.D. dependent var 0.873800

S.E. of regression 0.098862 Akaike info criterion -1.699796

Sum squared resid 0.185699 Schwarz criterion -1.600317

Log likelihood 19.84785 Hannan-Quinn criter. -1.678206

F-statistic 1543.419 Durbin-Watson stat 0.587188

Prob(F-statistic) 0.0001012

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