Impact of Interior Environment and Learning Tools on Pre-school Kids

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The purpose of this survey is to analyze and understand the impact of an interior environment and learning tools on kids in a pre-school. Although qualitative and quantitative analysis has already been done on this topic, it has been restricted to a smaller group of people in a specific geographical area. To further understand the context even better, survey was directed to parents of kids in pre-school in a different part of the globe. It is to understand the impact across geographical distance and also to know if it is consistent across the board. The education board, designers, learning tool manufacturers and parents will definitely be benefited from this survey. It will enable the learning tools manufacturers to come up with more innovative products that are more open ended and that will facilitate kids to get more involved and in turn learn. The variables for this project are definitely independent. The results of this study will be used as a base to interpret how to find a solution for the research question. The measuring scales for my responses are going to be nominal and ordinal. Some responses have an evaluative connotation where as some responses don’t have any kind of evaluative distinction so it is a mix of nominal and ordinal scales. The analysis of the finding from the survey depicts that kids get more involved in activity based courses than the traditional options of reading books or listening to stories or story telling. It reinforces the point the learning tools and open e... ... middle of paper ... ...stipulated time I could get to only thirty people. For implications of future study I would definitely increase the audience group to a larger geographical extent to analyze the perceptions of the group. Furthermore would categorize my survey questions to the parents, teachers , administers and manufacturers of learning tools to get into depth analysis of the importance of affordability of these tools so these could be utilized by every pre-school in the town. Having perspective of the people from distinct backgrounds will facilitate the study on the research question am working towards. It is imperative that kids are being given attention in the very early stages of life because the learning system and education is imbibed from a very early age.

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