Impact of Creative Print Advertisements to Consumer’s Buying Behavior

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The term “advertising” originates from the Latin word “advertere” which means “to turn the mind towards”. Advertisements create impact on consumers’s mind and affect their purchase behavior. As a marketing strategy, advertiser’s aim is to persuade their potential buyers (Armstrong, 2010). To fulfill this goal, advertisers must seek to know what stimulates consumer’s mindset that initiates purchase. Thus, print advertisements have a vital role in convincing the consumers to buy a certain product. Moreover, print ads also influence consumer’ behavior by influencing their consumption. A marketer does not only focus on identifying the consumer’s wants, but also encourage them that they need their product. That is the reason why creating effective print ads is crucial for the promotion of the product in the market (Solomon, 2010).
Over time, marketers have developed theories about why consumers buy (Murray, 2013). Most of these theories are taken by viewing the scenario through the eyes of consumers looking at a product. Marketers embark to use these features and benefits conduct research about consumer response to find the adequate needs and motivations. More recently, advertising agencies added new innovations to explain and predict consumer behavior. Their approach views the consumer through effective print advertisements. This becomes a positive insight in consumer’s decision-making process in availing a product to accommodate the new brands in the market. According to Murray (2013), “An understanding of consumer purchase behavior must be based on knowledge of human emotion and include the paramount influence that emotions have on decision-making.”
In addition, print advertisements are intended to affect consumer’s feelings, ev...

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... Is An Advertisement Worth The Paper It's Printed on? The Impact of Premium Print Advertising On Consumer Perceptions. Journal Of Advertising Research, 52(1), 118-127. doi:10.2501/JAR-52-1-118-127

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