Impact Of Trauma And PTSD

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Impact of Trauma and PTSD There are two types of trauma that lead to PTSD symptoms among young people. One is exposure to a sudden, one-time event whereas the other is the result of exposure of repeated events. No matter what the “cause” was the condition in childhood and adolescence can effect normal development which can disrupt the acquisition of the skills necessary for a child to become self-sufficient. Because brain development occurs fairly rapidly if a trauma is experiences parts of the brain may slow or stop in their development process. This paper will discuss how to recognize and treat PTSD, limitations of treatment options, treatment options, training for professionals, and ethnic differences. The diagnosis of Post –Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves clusters of symptoms. They include persistent re-experiencing of the trauma, avoidance of traumatic reminders/ general numbing of emotional responsiveness, and hyper-arousal (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). In order for the possible diagnosis of PTSD the individual needs to have exposed to a …show more content…

Deblinger, McCleer, & Henry (1990) demonstrated that trauma focused CBT which included anxiety management components (e.g. coping skills training and joint work with parents) which children aged 3 to 16 were effective in reducing the symptoms of PTSD because the client was able to externalize their symptoms rather than keeping them inside. Components of CBT include psychoeducation, activity scheduling/reclaiming life, imaginal reliving (including writing and drawing techniques), cognitive restructuring followed by integration of restructuring into reliving, revisiting the site of the trauma, stimulus discrimination with respect to traumatic reminders, direct work with nightmares, image transformation techniques; behavioral experiments, and work with parents at all stages ( Yule, Smith, & Perrin,

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