Social Impacts Of Globalization

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The business world has never seen a better time than now. With the world wide web, technology and cheaper transportation options, we are seeing more and more growth within the business world, with the potential for even further growth. However, it is also a scary time as unprecedented roads are being found in the midst of it all. That brings new, untouched issues to all sectors of an organizaion. The impact can be felt all around them and do not appear to be lessening anytime soon. So what are some of the impacts of globalization, you may ask?
Here is where we will be taking a look at what some of these issues are.
One of the top issues found can be culture differences. When you live and work in a country you have called home your whole life, …show more content…

companies finding themselves suffering from importing foreigners into jobs previously held by their own citizens (Preston, Julia (2016)).
Those are only a few examples of those who frown upon the so-called “lack” of morals companies have when it comes to growing and globalization. While these are profit based examples, it does not take into account possible environmental or social consequences that can be faced. It is a very big threat that can be felt far and wide, if one tiny item is overseen during the planning or oversight of working towards going …show more content…

Opening a branch in another country, those costs vary widely based upon where you were to open it. Depending on country laws, they may have to buy permits and file documents within local bureaucracies just in order to legally set themselves up (Echiburu, Anna Marie (2013)). That is not counting other fees a local city/town/tribe that can also apply in some areas. Those fees can be hefty and add up quickly, which is not even counting in the cost of hiring, putting together office space and training future employees.
Based upon these examples, it is pretty clear that a company or organization faces many battles within the globalization category. It is an uphill battle for many to climb, but one with grand rewards once the summit is reached.
As for the takeaway from this, it can be said that globalization is not an easy step to move towards. Many factors come into play, some obvious and others not so clear from the start. The decision to go global must be carefully made, by weighing the risks of each path that is an option. Great efforts have to be made with planning and knowing that unexpected issues are almost guaranteed during the process. What works for one company may not work for all, and that is okay. The key is knowing what is needed and when it is need is what will keep your organization afloat in choppy waters of the

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