Persuasive Essay About Immigration

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There is no more to say why I chose this topic to do with, I just need to say that me as many other peoples around me are Immigrants and we all know how is it feel to be one of them. The United States, one of the countries with the most diversity of immigrants. Have you ever noticed the people around you, did you noticed how many are real “Americans”, and how many are just immigrants who came to the U.S? Did you notice that I put Americans with quotation marks? You wonder why, let me tell you, at one point there were no “Americans” with this I mean that even our ancestors in this country somehow there were just all immigrants or Indians, for example the southwestern of US today, were part of Mexico back in the 1848 so with that means those places have more Latinos who decided to stay, but as the generation goes on and they got mixed with White people so the latest generation thinks they are Americans but actually they are not, because their ancestors were immigrants too. A fun fact, do you know that if we …show more content…

labor force, Mexicans make up almost about half of them, and you are right, a big part of them are all cheap labor. What is that mean? Have you ever asked why the lower class work and unskilled Jobs are usually Latinos or Immigrants? Because people know that they are undocumented, so they abuse them giving not even the minimum wages or giving any medical care as it should be. Focusing specifically in Mexicans, they are all hard workers, they even work more hours that it should be, and all these for what? because they wanna have a better life for them and for their family that couldn’t find in their native country. U.S. is a free-land, First World where now is one of the most developed country in every aspect in the world, why don’t we can do more for Immigrants who are not harmful to us instead if was not them working for the U.S. the economy of the country will fall down, it may not be extremely, but it will for

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