Image Essay On Marilyn Monroe

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Platinum blonde curls, perfectly applied makeup, and an outfit that consists of a single bed sheet. Her name can still be heard ringing through the air nearly half a century after her death. This inaugural playboy paved the way for herself through controversial photographs and risqué poses throughout various forms of media. All aspects of the picture above suggest everything from inviting to sensual, with her body sultrily strewn across the bed- her point is made crystal clear. Marilyn Monroe is the epitome of sexy; however, when taking a closer look at the gray-scaled image something catches the audience's eye. The tray of food carefully placed alongside her scarcely covered body, hints at another side to Marilyn Monroe's come-hither facade. In today's society, a woman of Miss Monroe's mature stature would not be caught dead next to a serving dish filled to the brim, this suggests a first question: when did the definition of "sexy" shift from a healthy weight, to that of a size negative two? Also one might wonder; how is it that one of America's most memorable icons can be considered "timelessly sexy" with a body shape that sends an entirely different message?
By taking a closer look at the photograph the viewer is able to see a different side of the always provocative Marilyn Monroe, a side that is much "thicker" than expected. Here "thick" denotes Ms. Monroe's heavier weight. Notice how the photographer has strategically covered her body with a rather thin bed sheet, laid across a bed, and poised in a manner that provokes the upmost of provocative thoughts. This infamous idol of sexual intentions is laid alongside a tray plump with food, creating a rather contradictory scene. In today's world, it would be expected that an ima...

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...abel herself as "sexy" without being considered a whore. Although Ms. Monroe may not have personally been a pure soul, she still portrayed this facade creatively with great playfulness as well as innocence. She enforced the idea that appearance is not what a person is ultimately attracted to, it is subjective, instead it is the inner-workings of a person that makes the difference.
In conclusion, the image above resembles a passageway to another world. One where a top-of-the-line model ate all of the foods that appealed to her, regardless of the opinions that the public voiced. Being seen in a grayscale image, Marilyn Monroe’s true beauty dominates the scene rather than her heavier weight. She was successful because of her attitude not because she could fit into a size double-zero dress; she had great confidence in herself, and this was the key to her great success.

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