Ideas And Consequences In William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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A mistake can be an idea or an action which was intended to be for good, yet resulted in an unwanted or unintended result. While mistakes help one learn from their wrong actions, it can also have an aftermath of karma. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a play brimming with tragedies. This explains how the spark of a simple idea turned into a downfall that not only altered the characteristics of the protagonist, Macbeth, but also led to karma. The initial spark began with the Weird Sisters talking to Macbeth of his future. In addition, Lady Macbeth’s desire of nobility made her influence Macbeth into performing the murder plan. Finally, Macbeth himself did not balance his desires and wise thoughts, therefore leading himself to his downfall. …show more content…

In the play, the Weird Sisters were the first influence on Macbeth’s downfall due to the prophecies they told him of the future. At the beginning of the play, the Weird Witches say, “Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the frog and filthy air” (I.i.11-12). They mention that in this world it is difficult to tell what is truly fair and what is indeed foul, which sets a dark and mysterious setting for the rest of the play. In addition, the Weird Sisters overwhelmed Macbeth with the prophecies of his future. The Weird Sisters mention, “All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!…” (I.iii.49-53). This enlightened yet tricked Macbeth of all the good that is to come. If the prophecies were not told to Macbeth, he would not have to worry of obtaining his future quickly, and would instead remain sane and honourable. Unfortunately, the prophecies told by the Weird Sisters greatly affect Macbeth, and lead him into his next influence leading to his …show more content…

From the beginning when the Weird Sisters told Macbeth of his future, he was motivated. Additionally, Lady Macbeth’s selfish thoughts on living a noble life forced Macbeth into sticking up to his promises. Lastly, Macbeth’s strong desires prevented him from making the right decisions, therefore leading to his downfall. This tragic play simplifies what is to be elected from intentional mistakes, known as karma. After all, lessons must be learnt, whether they end positively or

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