Ice Age Research Paper

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Compilation of Ice Age Paper Information Differences Young Earth Creationism Old Earth Creationism The Earth is about 6,000 years old. The Earth is billions of years old. Catastrophism/Creationism Uniformitarianism The Genesis Flood was global. The Genesis Flood was not global, for if the dating of GISP2 is valid, and there was a global flood, it must have occurred at least 40,000, and probably more than 110,000 years ago, which doesn’t align with Scripture. If there were any ice sheets building previous to the Flood, which is not likely since it is assumed that the pre-Flood climate was too warm to allow an ice sheet to build up, a global flood would have caused it to rise, break up, be carried off, and melt. Genesis 7:19 KJV states, “And …show more content…

Many ancient Ice Ages occurred (over the last 2 to 3 million years), each lasting 100,000 years. The Flood and its aftershocks (volcanoes and earthquakes) provided the volcanic dust (ash and soot) and gases that bring the summer cool indispensable for the Ice Age. Volcanoes produce more sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide, and in the circumstances of the YEC theory, they would choke Noah and the CO2 clogged atmosphere would burn him up. Annual layers in GISP2 reflect the years since the Flood. Annual layers are very thick in the lower portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet (the Ice Age portion determined by the oxygen isotope ratio) with decreasing annual layer thickness higher up in the ice sheet. The Greenland and Antarctica Ice Sheets have existed for many millions of years, and have maintained their present height in a state of equilibrium by compression and diffusion deep in the ice …show more content…

The implication of this result is that the main diagnostic features for an ancient ‘ice age’ are really not diagnostic at all. It has been known for a long time that the fabric of a ‘tillite’ cannot be distinguished from a debris flow. Early workers did not concern themselves with distinguishing between the two processes and just assumed ancient glaciation. Many examples of ancient glaciation are known dating back to the Late Carboniferous, Late Paleozoic, and the Precambrian. More examples are the Dwyka Formation, Varangian Ice Age, and the Gowganda

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