ICT in Cameroon Primary Schools

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Romano (2003) affirms that empowering teachers with technology is one of the basic prerequisites that can make technology more useful to the pupils. In his perception of computers in education, he observed that computers allow teachers to provide each member of the class with an increased number of individualized learning experiences based on the learner's needs rather than teacher availability. Computers allow learners to phase into directing their own learning experience particularly at a higher level. Whitehead et al. (2003) argue that appropriate professional development for teachers and pupils is critical to the success of linking technology to the curriculum. They emphasize that one of the keys to successful staff development is to have teachers teach other teachers. Whitehead et al. (2003) highlight ideas from the US experience that have proven effective in staff development at the local level as project-based approach, flexible scheduling, school partnership, college and university pre-service programs, staff development consortium, and staff development cooperatives.


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