I Want To Give Up On All My Dreams

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Seems like a day ago I wanted to give up on all my dreams. Everything I worked hard for, everything I wanted to do, so many lives I wanted to help, and as bad as I wanted to change: I wanted to give up. No matter how many steps I pushed forwards I jumped ten steps back. No matter how many battles I lost it didn’t matter because e I would lose 4 more battles, No matter how many prays I said the devil came back to take them away. NO MATTER WHAT I did it wasn’t recognized, appreciated, good enough; it was always merely another hurtle to go through. But just as I gave up, just as I lost my faith, as soon as I wanted to say “Im just a victim a link was sent to me. Perfect timing. The minute I let someone tell me I wasn’t going to be successful, I wasn’t smart enough, I wasn’t like everyone else is the same time I told myself “ I wasn’t”. T give up on yourself is the worst thing you can do. To leave your dream to live someone else’s dream is the most heartbreaking thing to do. For no one to believe in you, …show more content…

I began to do my research on Eric Thomas. This man was phenomenal beyond measures, and wise beyond years. You can’t relate to anyone if they haven’t been through a storm in their life. He has been through hell in back. From homeless and eating out trash cans, to being one of the best educated, inspiring motivation speakers in the world. All because he GRINDS. I couldn’t want something so bad and just give up. If I was going to do this, if I was going to be someone in life, if I was going to be phenomenal I had to face every trouble I had head on willingly. Eric Thomas had an article done with Black Enterprise (http://www.blackenterprise.com/career/eric-thomas-secrets-to-success/) called “Success: You have to Want It as Bad as You Want to Breathe.” In the article he asked “Now, I ask you, why you do what you do? Why do you wake up in the morning? Why do you go to work every

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