Who I am

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Who am I? This is such a seemingly simple question, yet it’s very difficult for me to answer. After all, I’m only a fourteen year old girl. I still have much to learn, many people to meet, places to go, and events to happen until I truly know my identity. My interests and abilities are changing continuously, but there are a few facts about me that I’m positive will never change.
First, I am very introverted. I would rather spend time hanging out with a few close friends than going to a party. When my Friday nights consists of reading, watching my favorite TV series, and listening to music alone in my room, I am perfectly content. I enjoy being able to think and spend time by myself. I do love to spend time with people, but parties or events where I have to socialize with people that I don’t know very well can be overwhelming to me. I usually feel uncomfortable sharing my opinions with others because I fear that they might not agree with me or I will make a fool out of myself, so I usually keep my thoughts to myself. I am trying my hardest to speak up more and be myself around people ...

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