Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid Disease and the Heart

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Chronic diseases such as hyperthyroidism can be debilitating if not managed well. Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid gland that secrets too much hormones throughout the body causing many different clinical manifestations within all systems. The thyroid gland is located right underneath the larynx also known as the voice box, and straddling the windpipe.

It consists of two types of tissues, follicular and parafollicular. The follicular tissues are the ones that secrete hormones containing iodine called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The parafollicular tissues secrete the hormone called calcitonin. Together these play an important role regulating calcium balance and metabolism. Thyroid hormones regulate protein synthesis by affecting gene transcription and mRNA stabilization. These hormones rely heavily on the amount of protein circulating the body as they are able to bind to them. The more proteins available within the body the less free T4, T3 circulating the body causing certain clinical manifestations. In hyperthyroidism, increased thyroid function leads to increased cardiac output at rest and after exercise but to decreased muscle bulk and function. The heart and nerve tissues become more sensitive to catecholamines due to increased binding sites for epinephrine and norepinephrine. Hyperthyroidism manifests systemically, affecting primarily muscle function and the central nervous system. there are different causes for the development of hyperthyroidism.
Graves’s disease is auto-immune disorder that results in an enlarged thyroid gland. It accounts for at least 75% of diagnosed hyperthyroidism cases. In Grave’s disease, the patient develops antibodies to the TSH receptors which in turn sti...

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