Hygiene Hypothesis Essay

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INTRODUCTION: In this discussion, we will have three main topics. First What are allergies, second how are they started and third why the number of people with allergies has increased in the last 20 years? This is what myself and Hamjreet are prepared to discuss. What are allergies: Allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to substances that either enter or come in contact with the body. In layman's terms allergies are, a food or natural substance. These include pollen, ragweed, peanuts, shellfish and pet dander are recognized by the immune system as a threat. How are they started: As we stated above allergies are reactions from environmental or food substances. The chemical histamine (C5H9N3) is released into the body and attacks the body to get rid of the allergens. This is …show more content…

Of these three, the one I will be focused on is the hygiene hypothesis. The hygiene hypothesis, essentially says we are too clean for our own good! But wait is that possible? The belief is with little to no contact with infectious entities the body can mistake common food proteins as an invading germ or germ that the body recognizes as a threat. I believe that the theory, Hygiene hypothesis is most plausible because it makes the most sense. Here is why I believe that statement. In the last 20 years hygiene in the Western world has become increasingly more popular and widespread. If we think back to the time of our parents and grandparents there were still allergies but much less. Kids would run around in bare feet ate mud and got dirty. On top of this they would not put much thought into washing hands or take a shower every day, hence there was more time for the body to decipher what is bad and what is good. In our day now everybody and their uncle have allergies if you think back to the nineties and two thousand's there was a lot of talk about being extremely or you will be sick. So we made sure to wash our face and hands after

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