Huntington's Chorea Research Paper

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Huntington’s chorea
Huntington’s chorea is a genetic disease, which means that its cause lies within a person’s chromosomes. Unlike viral and bacterial diseases, Huntington’s cannot be caught. Rather, it is inherited by your parents. The specific gene that causes this disease is on chromosome four. Since chromosome four is an autosomal chromosome, men and woman have an equal chance of inheriting the disease (Huntington's Disease (Huntington Disease)). Within this gene is a segment called CAG because it is made up of cytosine, adenine, and guanine. Normally this segment would repeat ten to thirty-five times, but someone with Huntington’s chorea would have many more repeats. This gene plays an important role in the brain’s nerve cells. This is what the abnormal gene causes damage to. (HTT Gene)
Huntington’s chorea is an autosomal dominant disorder. This means that only one copy of the …show more content…

These symptoms are caused by the abnormal gene that instructs the body to breakdown nerve cells in the brain. Some movement disorders include involuntary movements and difficulty with voluntary movements. This is called chorea, which is where Huntington’s chorea gets that part of its name. Some other movement impairments include difficulty with swallowing, speech and balance. Irregular eye movements are also common. Psychiatrically, the most common symptom is depression. The depression isn’t a result of receiving the diagnosis; it is actually caused by the injuries in the brain and the changes that it goes through. Bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and mania are other common psychiatric conditions. Cognitively those affected by Huntington’s experience difficulty focusing, learning, and processing thoughts. In addition, those with this disease cannot control their impulses. They act without thinking and are even sometimes unaware of their behaviors. (Huntington's

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