Essay On Evil Worldview

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The reality of evil is an ever-apparent problem in this world and in society. It is also a challenge for those articulating their worldview. However, it is one of the reasons, perhaps the top reason, why having an articulated worldview is so important. It should be noted that any worldview will be plagued by this ever-revealing problem in a search for a clean-cut, easy-to-fit, perfect worldview to describe an imperfect world. However, a reasonable answer to evil should be given, even if it is not without problems and unresolved questions.
In response one ultimately has three options: One can say evil does not exist, one can say evil exists and there is a reason for it, or one can say evil exists and there is no reason for it. …show more content…

The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological, but it must be used to coerce a victim into performing labor, services, or commercial sex acts. …Contrary to some misconceptions, human trafficking crimes do not require any smuggling or movement of the victim…. …traffickers have demonstrated their ability to exploit other vulnerable populations and have preyed just as aggressively on documented guest workers and U.S. citizen children.” …show more content…

According to the evidence we do have, a sense of good and evil correlates to the genetics and outlook of the creature. A male lion will kill the lioness’ young to make the lioness fertile and produce the male lion’s own offspring. This is considered morally right by that species, and a change of genetics can cause a change of this morality. Now genetic abnormalities can cause a difference in morals, and this may be the case with the traffickers. This doesn’t mean that it is any less of a horrifying thing to the victims, but unfortunately death and suffering are a part of life. It seems most beneficial to this society as a whole to try to end human trafficking, and we must wish for the best for the

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