Human Rights Speech Essay

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Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellences, members of the United Nations General Assembly, and all who may one day hear this speech,

This evening, I have been charged with the responsibility of standing here before you all to deliver a speech on the state of human rights within our world today. Though I am enchanted and humbled that I have been selected to do this, I must admit something quite significant to you all. As the ninth Secretary General of the United Nations my heart is heavy. Truthfully, never in my life have I been so awestruck with the devotion of men and women like the very ones who are seated in front of me this evening. I have been edified by the experience of working alongside you all these past ten years. While working with you all, I have seen a commitment that truly can’t be matched. Though many people do not get a chance to see your hard …show more content…

Equally as foreboding to the state of human rights today, I could have mentioned the 106 schoolgirls poisoned by a mysterious gas in Afghanistan that were ignored by large media outlets or the increasing incidents of female genital mutilation in Guinea that has yet to make the front page of any major Newspaper in the west. If you take anything away from this speech tonight please let it be that, many of the people who experience the injustices that we work assiduously to eradicate, do not recognize them to be injustices. They have been duped to consider their circumstances as natural occurrences for people all around the world. To me, this is the greatest threat to human rights in the 21st century. But I believe we now have something to combat this threat. In the 21st century we have a tool perhaps more powerful than any tangible tool our ancestors could have fashioned to help us educated people on the injustices that they live in right

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