Human Resource Motivation And Motivation

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As the quantifiable characteristics of the composition in the workforce changes, employee motivations and expectations evolve too. It is up to the Human Resources department to understand what is revolving around people 's thoughts and happiness today in the work field environment, such as what is most valued by those workers and how work-life balance becomes one of the employers ' expectations. In many cases, HR will have to adapt their incentives, benefits and retention strategies for workers that are only driven by financial wages and compensation. Over the years, Human Resources function has changed with a clear goal in mind on figuring out the best practices and the best allocation of time. Companies will have to make sure that their people are committed and productive, so that they do not leave after a short period of time as well as incurring substantial turnover costs and wasting all the time spent investing in training newly hired employees. More companies and organizations are realigning the role of HR, so that they can better manage the organization as well as oversee …show more content…

The biggest objective and ultimatum for HR to make options and judgment about the use of these levers and where to focus their effectiveness and efficiency. Compensation and reward philosophy are one of the most important mechanisms. Human Resources can utilize the systems to inspire employees to perform in ways that are proper. Employees who think, act and behave in the proper way should be rewarded. Those who do not, should not receive rewards as a result, it will send mixed message to employees. HR must be careful when designing such pay for performance reward programs. To adequately and productively impact corporate culture, pay systems should reward not only job outcomes, but also behavioral expectations as

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