Human Development And Gender Development

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Human development is a constant is everyone's life, we are continuously changing and developing from conception until death. Everyone's lives while different still develop through psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Gender, in particular, I found very interesting throughout my lectures in human development. I am going to discuss the different gender development theories, the role society plays in gender development.

Gender development is a key concept of human development. The website Gender Spectrum states ‘Biological sex is is the physical structure of one’s reproductive organs that is used to assign sex at birth. Biological sex is determined by chromosomes (XX for females; XY for males); hormones (estrogen/progesterone for females, …show more content…

Firstly at the ages of two and three children gain a basic gender identity in which they begin to recognise that he/she is a boy or a girl. Secondly, at the ages of 4 or 5, the child has an understanding of gender stability. They learn that males usually stay male and females usually stay female. Thirdly by the age of 6 or 7 gains an understanding of gender constancy realising that a change in appearance or habits does not make the gender change. People being connected to only one gender is usually okay for most people although because it can be frowned upon to have a different gender identity to what your biological gender is and it can be hard for many people because of the belief of many that it is necessary for your gender to correlate to your biological sex. Biological sex is, of course, a component of gender but it does not define it. The idea of gender that we are taught as young children is nowhere near as complex as it should …show more content…

Gender development is linked to all the key concepts of human development psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Gender development is linked to psychology because the way in which you are treated for being who you are can have an impact on many people. Psychology relates to the way parents taught you about many different things while growing up they may have been very close minded or open minded which may lead to a belief that the child cannot be him/herself. Psychology is the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual. People are shaped and influenced by the views of people close to them mostly family members because they look up to them from a very young age. Sociology influences gender development because gender development changes with all different cultures. Children's actions and beliefs are shaped by the culture in which the were raised. If a culture has very open views people may be more likely to be who they want to be although if a culture is very closed minded in its views than people may feel like they can't be who they feel they are. Philosophy is linked to gender development because it asks the big questions surrounding humans and their

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