Human Beings as Being Genuinely Free

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Human Beings as Being Genuinely Free

To be able to answer this question successfully we must first

understand what is meant by the term 'genuinely free.' By this do we

mean to have limitless freedom where each choice is our own or rather

freedom within certain boundaries? There are of course many different

views which consider the extent of our freedom and what being free

really means, ranging from ultimate, unlimited freedom to us having

absolutely no freedom.

If we are to believe that human beings are completely free we are

likely to accept the Libertarian view:

By liberty, then we can only mean a power of acting or not acting,

according to the determinations of the will; that is, if we choose to

remain at rest, we may; if we choose to move, we also may

(David Hume)

Libertarianism suggests that we are entirely free to make a morally

responsible decision. Libertarianism does consider the fact that some

aspects of life are causally determined; however these determined

aspects are only affected by the inner self of the moral agent which

in itself is uncaused. As Spaemann explained we use a reflective

component which takes into consideration these objective and

subjective facts and then makes a free choice. It is this, our moral

self, which is free to choose, yet factors such as the moral agent's

character or values which or not.

Waddan's religiously supported view states that the Ten Commandments

are only understandable if we are free to choose whether to obey them

or not:

If God had been a libertarian, we'd have gotten the Ten Suggestions

(James P. Hogan)

If we are not free to do so then there is no poi...

... middle of paper ...

...oice, are free.

Therefore, we are still morally responsible for our actions even

though determinism is present during our decision making. In this

instance, human beings would be considered free to a certain extent

yet not entirely.

In conclusion, to be capable of answering this question we must have

decided upon our own interpretation of what it is to be free. If we

are Libertarian we believe in ultimate free will for the entire human

race, yet if we are a Hard Determinist then human beings have no

freedom as everything is determined by past events, and if we believe

in religious Predestination then God has already made the deciding

choices in our lives. Therefore, an answer may only be relevant to

those whom share the same opinion:

Freedom is something people take and people are as free as they want

to be

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