Huck Finn Freedom Analysis

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Have you ever went with your parent(s) to Walmart? While you were with them did you ever ask for a candy bar? Or perhaps a drink? While you were waiting in line with your candy bar or drink I bet you couldn 't wait till the ride home when you could sink your teeth in the chocolatey goodness or sip on a fizzing, cool, refreshing, soda pop. All this time you dreaded the destination, the time when you 'd have to help unload the groceries; you dreaded returning home. In this moment you realize that the destination is unimportant to you, the thing you 're most anxious about is the trip home. This "Journey to freedom" theme is seen in the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain in many instances, once when Huck escapes his abusive …show more content…

This connects to the theme because for one his father would always lock him in his cabin, "...he must shove right over to town and sell. So he locked me in and took the skiff, and started off towing the raft about half past three. I judged he wouldn 't come back that night," (Twain, 40). Judging by this statement Huck 's father isn 't cut out to be a dad nor is he cut out for humanity. Another reason Huck 's escape would connect is at his home before he was forced to live with his father, there were very strict rues as far as going to church every Sunday, wearing nice clothes, staying clean. Huck never really got any freedom when he lived with the widow, "Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me. But she wouldn 't. She said it was a mean practice and wasn 't clean..." (Twain …show more content…

I have proven that these items of the novel do indeed connect to the theme as stated. Furthermore, I personally loved reading this literature and I highly recommend this novel to people who love realistic/historical fiction with a sense of humor. I would also recommend that anyone who does read this piece would take the time to decipher the information gathered in each chapter for I had some complications understanding some portions of the reading. Also, based on the information that I 've collected from the text, the major "life lesson" portrayed is that some people are mad at others because they know that others are doing way better in life than they could ever expect to do. In conclusion, people have jealousy which can cause hatred and even

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