Hpw to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Garden

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Raccoons can wreak havoc on your harvest, especially when you're trying to grow sweet corn (Zea mays), which in addition to other plant and animal matter, is part of their diet. Hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zones 4 through 8, sweet corn is favored by these masked bandits during its ripening stage. (See References 1 and 2) To avoid a disappointing harvest, there are various things you can do to keep raccoons out of your garden.

Fence Them Out

Although a 3-foot-tall chicken-wire fence might keep other unwanted garden critters out, raccoons are good climbers, and won't let that stop them from getting to your sweet corn. That is, unless you top your fence with electrical wire. (See References 2) Another effective alternative to keep these uninvited visitors out of your garden, is a two-wire electric fence placed around your garden. Suspend the first wire about 5 inches above the ground around the perimeter of your garden, and the second wire about 10 inches above the ground. (See References 3)

Scare Them Off

Various scare tactics can make raccoons think twice ...

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