Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence

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A theory that was developed by Howard Gardner to increase the knowledge of humans to include such as logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist ,linguistic and musical intelligences.Logical-mathematical is define as the ability to recognize different and solve them. A person who has this learning style has the ability to understand numbers well and solve logical concepts. They also have the ability to see numerical and logical patterns. A logical-mathematical person has highly developed reasoning skills, and has an understanding of analysis and functions. People with logical-mathematical intelligences learned best when they are taught using visual aids, hands-on activities, and computers. They are the ones that prefer activities that are more goal oriented based on math reasoning than creative activities. The occupations people with logical-mathematical intelligences can have are computer programmers, accountants, business executives, lawyer, doctor, and bookkeeper. When teaching, someone with this intelligence in my class I will provide them with more hands-on activities than bookwork, so that they are better able adapt to the lesson being taught. Applying this theory to my classroom can help my students who are visual learners than auditory learners. Bodily-kinesthetic is define as a people who are good at bodily movement, performing actions, and physical control. These people tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination. The characteristics of a person with intelligences are good at dancing and sports. They have the ability to create things with their hands. Bodily-kinesthetic people tend to remember by doing, rather than hearing or looking. The one way that a teacher identifies ...

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...this intelligence is Abraham Lincoln who was one of the United States Presidents. A way teachers can enhance students’ linguistic intelligence is by having them write a group story. This intelligence allows students to become better writers.Musical intelligence is define as the ability interpret and understand music. Learners with this intelligence good and thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They usually enjoy singing and playing instruments. These learners learned by playing music in the background when they are studying. The most common jobs people can have with this learning style is singers, producers, music teachers, and conductors. An example famous person with this intelligence is Brittney Spears. A way that a teacher can help learners is by having them listen to music before doing an activity. This theory allows students creativity to come to life.

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