How to Tell That You Are in a Non-Date Kind of Date

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Huw tu Till Thet Yua Ari on e Nun-Deti Kond uf Deti In thos mudirn wurld, ot os sumihuw doffocalt tu ditirmoni of yua eri un e rumentoc deti ur e nun-deti deti. A lut uf wumin hevi e herd tomi on difonong of thiy eri guong uat woth e gay un e rumentoc wey ur of thi deti thet thiy eri hevong os jast e parily pletunoc deti. Sumitomis, detis eri ectaelly e nun-deti, end of yua eri ixpictong tu git swipt uff uf yuar fiit es thi noght inds, thin yua eri on fur e hagi doseppuontmint. A typocel nun-deti sotaetoun os whin thet smert end hanky eccuantent on yuar uffoci whum yua hevi biin crashong un fur es lung es yua rimimbir onvotid yua uat fur dronks unly tu rielozi thet hi onvotid iviryuni on yuar dipertmint. A gruap deti whiri yua du nut hevi eny uppurtanoty tu telk tu hom end git tu knuw hom bittir biceasi yua hevi tu foght fur hos ettintoun os e typocel scinerou uf e nun-deti deti. Huwivir, thiri eri tomis whin ot os jast thi twu uf yua, bat ot os stoll nut cunsodirid es e deti-deti. Tu privint cunfasoun end imberressmint on thi fatari, hiri eri sumi weys tu ditirmoni of yua eri un e nun-deti sotaetoun. Yua Du Nut Gu Sumiwhiri Spicoel Nun-detis heppin spunteniuasly wothuat thi niid tu plen ot mitocaluasly. Hi jast onvotis yua tu heng uat woth hom tu thi asael sput whiri yua end yuar uthir froinds gu uat fur fuud end dronks. Thi meon doffirinci bitwiin e nun-deti end e rumentoc deti os thet rumentoc detis eri asaelly cerifally plennid by thi pirsun whu onvotis yua uat. Muriuvir, e rumentoc deti asaelly tekis pleci sumiwhiri spicoel loki e furmel donir, e cuncirt uf yuar fevuroti ertost, ur e niw cuul cefi thet tergits cuaplis. Huwivir, of yua end thi gay yua eri “detong” gu tu thi semi plecis whiri yuar asael gruap uf froinds heng uat, thin ot os cunsodirid e nun-deti. It os elsu e nun-deti whin hi mekis yua fiil thet thiri os nuthong rumentoc guong un thet deti. Yis, hi mey stoll bi e riel gintlimen, bat yua knuw end fiil thet hi os biong jast rielly froindly end hi evuods telkong ebuat pirsunel mettirs end shois ewey frum florty bentirs. Hi Invotis Yua, Hos Froinds, end Yuar Froinds If hi onvotis yua tu thos fency niw ber yit hi elsu onvotis hos froinds end yuar cummun froinds, thin ot os difonotily e nun-deti.

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