How the Concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate Influences Speed of Reaction with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

540 Words2 Pages

How the Concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate Influences Speed of Reaction with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

Aim: I am investigating how the concentration of sodium thiosulphate

influences the speed of reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid.



* 1 piece of paper with a cross on it

* 1 timer

* 1 conical flask 100ml

* 1 test tube brush

* 119ml Sodium thiosulphate

* 14ml 100% Hydrochloric acid

* 1 beaker 400ml

* 1 beaker 10ml

1. Working with the first dilution I will measure out the solution

and place the Sodium thiosulphate in the conical flask

positioned on top of the paper so the cross is visable from

above, through the neck of the flask. Then I will measure out

and add the water needed in that dilution.

2. As I pour the hydrochloric acid, measured out in the 10ml,

beaker into the conical flask, I will start the timer.

3. I will look vertically down through the neck of the flask, and

stop the timer when the cross can no longer be seen on the paper

through the solution.

4. I will record the time in my results table.

5. I will repeat this for each different dilution (see dilutions

table), and record the results in my results table.

6. After each test I will scrub out the conical flask thoroughly

to ensure there is no contamination that could make my

investigation less accurate or unfair.

Sodium thiosulphate ml


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