How the Civil War Effected South Carolina

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The Civil War had a multi-faceted effect on Charleston, South Carolina. As a result of the American Civil War, Charleston’s economy, agriculture, slavery, architecture, and lifestyle forever changed. Charleston, the site of great devastation during and after the American Civil War, took decades to recover. However, Charleston became the most beautiful city in South Carolina.

The American Civil War affected Charleston’s agriculture in an enormous way. During the Civil War, as Charleston’s Confederates left the city, and the federal troops entered the city, the Confederates set fire to and blew up many of their own supplies (including cotton, rice and munitions). The Confederates made this drastic choice to prevent the Union, once they raided the city, from obtaining the supplies necessary to help them win the war. In Charleston, barely a plantation remained fit for planting crops after the Civil War. The agriculture system around Charleston survived due to the freed African American slaves and poor whites who knew how to care for the crops. The sturdy farmers kept on fighting alone and, somehow, they held on to their piece of earth and made it bear crops once more (History of SC Agriculture).

Next, the American Civil War almost destroyed the grand architecture of Charleston’s beautiful buildings. On July 10, 1863, the Union Army began its attack on Charleston, and the fighting continued for almost two years. Many people lost their lives during the fighting, and bombardment ruined many buildings ("Charleston Surrendered"). Between the initial shelling and the fire, when the Union bombarded Charleston, it created a fire so big it practically destroyed Broad Street. Evidence of the fire can still be found today. T...

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...on slave labor as it held on to an agrarian economy: relying on plantations and farms to sustain its economy (Hicks 13, 14, 17). On January 1st, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves under Confederate control (Varhola 224).

In conclusion, the American Civil War dramatically impacted Charleston in so many ways; agriculture, slavery, architecture, lifestyles and most certainly economically. Charlestonians have proved that they can overcome dire circumstances and become a vital, economically-sound, productive society with beautiful gardens, amazing architecture, and a bustling lifestyle that encourages travel and promotes cultural diversity. While the American Civil War caused great hardship and seemed to devastate Charleston in the 1860’s, Southern pride and determination won out over adversity.

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