How War Changes Us

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The experience that someone else had that I know that was like the experiences of a character in the book is my aunt. She told me that her experience was in 1971. When two countries were having a war. For example India and Pakistan had a war because they have a border between them and also Pakistan wants Kashmir. But Hindus does not want to give Kashmir. People were very scared of the war and also my aunt. The war has happened because of political issues my aunt told me it was so scary that how they were killing people by attacking bombs. The government gives times that you can go buy groceries etc for your home in afternoon. However, rest of the day there is a curfew that means nobody can go outside and if they did they are going to attack people. An additional example is that she experience is the blackout. They cannot even turn their light on because of the enemy airplanes are going to throw the bomb to people houses. But some people went to their basements and they have light the candles and they did their work.

A character in the book changed in so many ways. She started to thinking about her life is that she is getting older but not that older for her brother and family. She does care about her studies and her teenage life. When she heard that in the radio all schools are closed she got so much happy because she had a math test that she didn’t study for. As I was reading the chapters she has changed a lot than before because of the German. When Lisa wanted to do some shopping with her friend Susanne .Her father told Stefan to go with her because they have heard on the TV about German soldiers all around. When they turned down to street Ourogade. She saw Germans trucks and they have guns in their hands. Lisa started feeling...

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...parents screamed that don’t pull the curtains down because of the blackout. And the other day when they were coming they think that they are on the wrong apartment because they can hear baby screaming in the apartment when they went to the apartment the baby was there. Lisa asked her dad whose baby is that and her father answered her that the baby’s parents have died in the hospital. Her named is Sarah. Lisa was crying because of the baby. But her parents told her that we are going to find her home. Susanne parents have been died and Susanne hair is burned because of the fire. This section makes me feel cry and sad. The Germans killed the people because they wanted the Jews to put in concentration camps. Therefore, they blow up the kerosene factory because they killed so many people now they are going to deserve what they did to Jews. That makes feel Susanne so happy.

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