How To Write The Great American Novel By Sherman Alexie Summary

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How can one portray a different people in the best and most sensitive light? This has been a difficult task for writers for centuries. Sherman Alexie’s “How to Write the Great American Novel” is an almost how-to poem for such a task. The guidelines presented in this poem have carried over to several Native American novels. The guidelines can also be used to show how the larger American white population views Native Americans.
But before one begins to consider Alexie’s guidelines, we first have to consider the level of seriousness the poem gives itself. To say the poem is completely serious is an overstatement. The poem is more self-aware of the guidelines and the stereotypes it presents to the reader. Being self-aware means that the author …show more content…

Again these guideline has been used throughout Native American literature. One such of work of Native American literature is “Tracks” by Louise Erdrich. One of the protagonist and narrators of the novel is Pauline a half white and Anishinaabe woman. But the choice of requiring a character of mixed descent is a strange one.
Historically people of mixed decent have struggles to fit into the world, not really belonging to either the white American world or the Native American world. But again the choice goes back to how the larger white American population views the Native American population. As having a protagonist and narrator like Pauline gives the white American potential readers a character to relate to.
The fact that Alexie had to write this guideline speaks volumes. But at the end of the day it is also a practical decision. As stated earlier, the poem of “How to Write the Great American Indian Novel” is basically an instruction manual for potential authors. If the Great American Indian novel is to be great, then it must also be popular.
For the novel to be popular it has to be appeal to the majority of the population. So for the novel “Tracks” to a protagonist and narrator like Pauline was a decision done in order to make the novel appeal to the larger white American

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