Compare And Contrast Cell Phones And College Culture

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Comparing and Contrasting Despite being close in age, high schoolers and college students are very different. In high school, one is still living with their parents. In college, even if one is still living at home, they are seen more as an adult than those in high school. In terms of the results of this research, it was found that there was not a strong difference in data—technology use, especially cellphone use, is extremely prevalent. This speaks to the importance of cellphones in today’s culture. Cellphones serve very important functions. Today’s student lives in a world of mass shootings and other uncertainties, therefore having access to a phone is crucial for safety purposes. Yet, the role they play in socialization is much more poignant. …show more content…

The large prevalence of cellphone use at the two schools clearly illustrates that there is a culture here—all students in a similar age range, regardless of location, engage in similar behavior. In Paul Willis’ The Ethnographic Imagination, he discusses the fact that all people produce culture in order to “make sense” of our world. We use things to express sociability, which in turn influences our interactions. These ideas fit nicely with the culture of cellphones. In this case, people are college students. They use these “things” called cellphones to facilitate as well as perhaps distract from interactions with others. At the very foundation of the modern college student’s social life is the cellphone. They, or shall I say we, have created this culture in order to function within the technological society in which we live. As well, being in the ending stages of adolescents, there is still the desire to be accepted by one’s peers and be accepted. Not having a cellphone limits the social interactions a student will have and makes them an outsider. Therefore, there is this created cellphone

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