How Should We Then Live

818 Words2 Pages

Throughout history there have been many different worldviews. Ultimately though, very few of these worldviews produced the answers that men wanted to find. When we look at diverse cultures in history we can see how their worldview affected how they saw beauty. Francis Schaffer, in his book How Should We Then Live shows how different worldviews affected social and political affairs and the arts. The Christian worldview is the only worldview that gives hope and answers. Those who try to find answers apart from the Christian worldview are destined for a life of dissatisfaction. The Christian worldview is the only one that will allow us to properly view social and political affairs and the arts. Having this proper worldview will allow us to see that there is worth and beauty in everything that comes from God. It will permit us to do our best at everything we do because we realize that everything should be done for the glory of God.
The government is the leader of our countries and society. Everyone in the world is affected by their government. Throughout the years the world has been falling further and further from the Word and laws of God. How should Christians, who strive to remain true to the Word and laws of God, participate in social and political affairs? There are two things that a Christian must remember when contributing in government affairs. First, they must that God has put the governing authorities in place and their actions are under his control. Second, Christians must see that we are still to obey God's laws first and foremost and thus we should fight against what is wrong even if it is what we are called to do by the government. As Christians we want to make a positive difference by joining our government. It is i...

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...luenced by their worldview. For the Christian, they cannot look at the world around them to see how they should act in reference to social and political affairs and the arts. The world is quickly falling further and further away from God's laws. It is the responsibility of the Christian to be involved in the political and social affairs. We cannot just ignore what is happening around us and live in our own little world. We must become involved, speak up against the injustices and encourage the government to abide by the laws of God. our view of beauty is different from that of the rest of the world. True beauty comes from God and our lives must reflect this truth in everything we do throughout our entire lives. Above all, everything we do is done for the glory of God.

Works Cited

Schaeffer, Francis A. How Should We Then Live. Crossway Books, Illinois, 2005.

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