Working Parents: The Benefits Of Being A Working Parent

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How to be A Working Parent Having had a mother that was a hard worker, it was instilled in my siblings and me at an early age that some parents has to work to earn a living. Being that we were brought up in a single parent home where there was a lot of sisters and brothers, it was imperative that my mother obtained employed in order for her to support the family. Many women must work to support their family because the male counterparts are absent from the home, or if they are there they do the bare minimum. Therefore; being a working parent has its ups and downs. In this paper I will discuss ways parents can work and still run the home.
I will also discuss the benefits of a parent or parents working, things the working parents can do to help minimize some of the stress as it relates to caring for the children and holding down a full time job. Working parents must utilize their money wisely in order to survive. Many years ago some women did not work outside of the home. They nurtured and took care of the children, cooked the food, cleaned the house, sewed and mended the clothes, and whatever was needed to be done. However, we live in a society whereas housing and utilities and other needs for the family are expensive. …show more content…

The women that lives in the home must prioritize and get up early and/or stay up late to make sure chores are done. There are 24 hours in a day and we must know how important it is for us to distribute all of the hours in a day toward our activities of daily living. The way we balance and how well we balance our responsibilities when it comes to work and family directly affects an individual’s quality of life. Balancing work and family helps people to manage stress more

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