How Is Atticus Finch Brave

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What does the name Atticus Finch mean to you, or even more what do you think of when you hear the name? Atticus Finch a character from the story ¨To Kill A Mockingbird¨. Atticus Finch is a dad of two, a lawyer, and a friendly man. His traits mainly are brave, courageous, and humble. Atticus is all of these because he stood up and tried to help a black man in a time of desegregation, he practically stood in the face of fear and didn't back down, and nonetheless was didn´t arrogant about helping this man when people congratulated him. Therefore, Atticus is brave because in the time that he helped Tom, the black man acused of rapping a white woman, was a time of desegregation. Atticus knew that African Americans were disliked in the South and he also knew that if he helped Tom that he would be shamed for the rest of his life by the white town folk. Atticus also knew if he helped some people might try to hurt him or his family, and even though he was picked to take the trial he still tried to win the case knowing all these things and more could be a possibility. …show more content…

At the time being friends with an African American the town would shame you but he did so much more and tried to help a black in court. In the story Atticus said that courage is not having a lack of fear but it's actually knowing you've lost before hand but continuing to try even though you've lost. Atticus knew that the case was already lost because Tom was black and was going up against a white woman´s word. Atticus still tried as hard as he could to win and didn't give up. That is the definition of courage in a real life

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