How Important is God in the Discipline of Children?

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“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV-Bible, 2001) It is impressive that when God gives its laws, these also were directed to the family, so it is necessary to understand that these laws came directly from the mouth of God, and they are still in force to this day. There is no excuse to refute these divine truths, and it is unfortunate that there are many families who do absolutely nothing, even when they know it by they do not practicing them in their families. This results in what is being taught for many as a superficial form of discipline, and not the discipline that God wants in the family. However, it is then necessary to understand that God must be the central focus in the families and they will not only be healthy families, but also these families that may be the carriers and transmitters of the good news of salvation to all those who allow and believe that only by having faith in God, bring the necessary breakthrough to their families. Yet many scholars recognize the need that many need to believe in something much more powerful than science itself, in which many of their questions will be answered, “It was within biblical scholarships that thinkers first raised questions about what religious people do what they do, or how religion and theology inform the concept of self.” (Berquist, 2009, p. 522) Biblical Principals Forgetting by Today’s Society Throughout history it has always been one of the worst things humans have done is forget their creator, and this has carried an endless situations ... ... middle of paper ... ...lfilling her role. The Church must take its rightful role in the community and in society. It is sad to see how the church also has left their role as a model for society, because it has been more interested in other things such as the construction of multimillion-dollar buildings, the implementation of programs that have absolutely nothing to do with the help that they can give to those families who need help and support. The fire of spiritual concern about the condition of the family it needs to be rekindled, knowing the priorities that it should be attended, because if this is not done, once again it will fall into the situation of doing the same thing over and over; and never do something innovative that without doubt it can be the answer to the problems existing in many families today. Contemporary English Version Bible, American Bible Society, 2000

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