How I Learn: Examining My Personal Learning Style

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After completing the Discovery Wheel and the Learning Style Inventory assignments which are presented by the text book Becoming a Master Student (Ellis, 2006, pp. 78-82), I discovered that I should trust my instinct now more than ever. I’ve always felt most confident when I had a chance to implement my knowledge and understanding in a lab or a real life setting. I learned that facts, figures, and examples are important parts in the way I learn. Breaking something down into smaller units and examining these units individually is something I enjoy doing, but that is not my preferred learning style.

My preferred learning style is the “How”. In order for me to learn or memorize new skills, concepts, or techniques, I have to do them myself. By putting the things that I’m learning to work, I can discover how difficult a skill may be. I will be able to point out and pay attention to possible mistakes or errors that I’m likely to make when I have to use that skill in the real world. Knowing our weaknesses is a crucial part in the learning process. One of my weaknesses is that I don’t have the greatest memory; my preferred learning style has been a huge help in this regard. By doing, I’m less likely to forget what I have learned and even if I do forget, I will not forget as much information as when I learn using other methods. One other important benefit I get from trying things out is the fact that this method gives me the answers to the tens of questions that I may have when learning something. Simply, trying and implementing a concept or a theory is the proof that I always strive to obtain, because when it comes to believing in something, I have to see that something in action in order to believe in it, otherwise, I will always have ...

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...ories, and equations that were introduced in the math chapter in which I struggled, were used in that lab. I was able to see how we can collect data presented by a graph and turn it into an equation and vice versa which in turn will help me to decide the capacity of the electrical source that I need to accomplish a certain operation.

My preferred learning style is a part of my personality. It gives me confidence and makes me comfortable. From now on, I will not hesitate to use it nor be embarrassed by it.

Your learning style is your strength. Go with it whenever you can. When you can choose a class, try to choose one that draws heaviest on your learning style. When you can choose a teacher, try to choose one who's teaching method best matches your learning style. When you choose a major and future career, keep your learning style firmly in mind. (

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