How Followers of Islam Feel about the Buildings in Which they Worship and the Worship Itself

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How Followers of Islam Feel about the Buildings in Which they Worship and the Worship Itself

Islam is a religion taught by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and based on

the Quran. It emerged in the 7th Century CE and spread quickly

throughout the Arabian Peninsula and in several directions beyond

Spain and Morocco in the west and beyond Persia in the east.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last in the lines of the Prophets, the

first being Prophet Adam. History of Islam tells us that God commanded

His prophet Abraham to build the first house of worship in Mecca where

the Kaaba is now as it is written in the Quran.

“The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at Mecca full

of blessings and of guidance for all kinds of beings. In it are signs

of manifest; the station of Abraham whoever enters it attains


From that on every prophet must have had some sort of building or

place for worship. But it was only when prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

advised the followers to build house of God called “Mosques” for a

place to collectively worship while he was in Medina that was when

Muslims started making “Mosques”.

Mosques play an important infact vital role in a Muslim’s life

As saying prayers five times a day is obligatory along with it is also

ordered by Allah to pray in congregations as it is written in the


“Establish worship, pay the poor-due and bow your head with those who

bow (in worship)”

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told his followers that saying prayer in

congregation is 27 times better and rewarding than saying alone.

It is a Muslims belief that when one performs abulation (i.e. washing

up for prayers) well, then goes to mosque, with the sole intention of

performing prayer, and has no other objective but prayer then every

step that he takes in the way for the mosque is raised to a degree and

a sing is effaced until he enters the mosque, he is considered as

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