How Does Warm Affect Glaciers And Ice Caps?

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How warm is the air? Warm enough to melt glaciers and ice caps. The ablation, removal of snow and ice by melting or evaporation, is causing upheaval in the world of climatology, glaciology. Some experts believe that glaciers and ice caps are not melting at a quick enough rate, and will not be losing a significant enough amount of mass in the future, to be of alarm. Alarmists believe that glaciers and ice caps are decreasing at a rate that these fragile crystals of nature cannot sustain. No matter which side these experts are on, glaciers and ice caps are deteriorating because of natural causes, predominantly, and human imposed causes. Furthermore, this is relevant to the average human as steps can be taken to avoid the tragic loss of nature’s beautiful glaciers and ice caps, and if they are lost, humans will suffer from it. The statistics point to one deduction; glaciers are melting. This is based upon the study done by Mernild on the Northern Hemisphere ice caps and glaciers. The overall average of mean change in surface …show more content…

There are two main contributors that point to the permanent loss of GIC, the Ice-Albedo feedback and the mirroring effect. The Ice-Albedo feedback states that once ice has decreased, there is more open water which is vulnerable to heating factors, and the openness will cause the ocean to continue warming (Singh and Singh). If the water continues increasing in temperature, then the water will not be able to reach a freezing temperature for the ocean water and the glaciers to refreeze. Equally important is how the Arctic ice is a mirror. The ice reflects sunlight back into the atmosphere to cool the Earth (Singh and Singh). John Sauven, the director of Greenpeace UK, released a statement saying (EXPRESSING, ARTICULATING) that the result of losing such a large amount of ice will lead to extreme natural phenomena, including raging temperatures (Singh and

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