How Does Ted Koose Show Fear In An Abandoned Farmhouse

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Benchmark Evaluation II Ted Kooser and Mark Vinz show a lot of emotion in their poems, Abandoned Farmhouse and Deserted Farmhouse. Ted Kooser talks about how there was once a family that lived on a farmhouse. Money was scarce tho for the family so they had to abandon it. Mark Viz tells the poem of how there was a farmhouse that was left and sat there to collapse. By the end of the poem tho, spring is coming. Both poems show loneliness, depression, and fear. The poems both show a form of loneliness in the farmhouses. The reader can infer this because stated in the poem Deserted Farmhouse is stated “Where the barn stood / the empty milking stalls rise up / like the skeleton of an ancient sea beast, / exiled forever on shores of prairie” (Vinz lines 1-4). This shows that the Farmhouse is all alone in the fields and that no one has been there for a long time. Statede in the poem Abandon Farmhouse is “It was lonely here, says the narrow country road. / Something went wrong, says the empty house” (Kooser 7-8). This shows the reader that the setting in the poem was lonely because it is stated. Both poems show loneliness because the farmhouses have no …show more content…

The reader can infer this because stated in the poem Deserted Farmhouse is stated “Where the barn stood / the empty milking stalls rise up / like the skeleton of an ancient sea beast” (Vinz lines 1-3). This shows that the Farmhouse is showing fear because the farmhouse is now like a massive skeleton of a sea beast. The statement give an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. Stated in the poem Abandon Farmhouse is “Money was scarce, say the jars of plum preserves / and canned tomatoes sealed in the cellar hole.” (Kooser 13-14). This shows the reader that the setting in the poem was fearful because a dark cellar hole with old jars just gives the reader an odd feeling different from what is usual or expected. Kinda

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