How Does Shakespeare Make Act 1 Scene 5 of Macbeth More Dramatic for the Audience

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The play Macbeth is set in Scotland, where the Scottish are at war with the Norwegians, and the battle has just been won and the thane or Cawdor as just been found to be guilty of treason. The landscape is mountainous and dull and the weather is always cold and miserable. The supernatural is always associated with storms and lighting etc. Which were thought to invoke the forces of evil? Macbeth castle looks very drab also although Duncan referred to it as pleasant “this castle hath a pleasant seat, the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses."

Macbeth’s letter to his wife tells her of what the witches foretold, in the letter Macbeth seems to be treating Lady Macbeth as the master “my dearest partner of greatness” which is very unusual for the time in which the play is set and so also adds to the dramatic tension and suspense. Lady Macbeth then shows that she doubts Macbeth’s nature and doesn’t think that he has what it takes to gain the kingship. “It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way”. This creates tension and excitement for the audience upon seeing a hint of Lady Macbeth’s evil characteristics.

Lady Macbeth shows her complete faith in the witches and the supernatural. “And shalt be what thou art promised” Lady Macbeth is plotting and identifying Macbeths weaknesses before she is interrupted by the attendant who tells her that the king is coming “the king comes here tonight”. This makes Lady Macbeth speed up her plotting. Lady Macbeth’s speech is very interesting and forces lots of tension upon the audience. Lady Macbeth is the one in control of Macbeth and knows it “under my battlements” and linking back to her faith in the supernatural, she asks for assistance, she a...

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Macbeth then says “we will speak further” this will create massive dramatic tension because the audience will want to resume the conversation and find out more of the plot. Macbeth is very optimistic, meaning he is definitely thinking of carrying out Lady Macbeths plan, creating suspense. The dramatic climax of the scene is at the end “leave it to me” Lady Macbeth once again shows her dominance over Macbeth. “Only look up clear, to alter favour ever is to fear” rhyming couplet, link to supernatural creating tension.

Shakespeare makes Lady Macbeth the strongest character to make the play more interesting and to create massive tension. Her being evil makes the play even more interesting still but the way she asks the supernatural for help with making her unremorseful and cruel wouldn’t only create excitement and suspense, it would also disturb the audience.

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