How Does Pip Change Throughout The Novel

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Great Expectations centers around a boy Pip who changes from the lower class of society to the higher class. Pip was an orphan brought up cruelly by his sister and looked forward to one day being a blacksmith just as Joe was one. However, he was introduced to Miss Havisham and Estella and they made him reject his simple life and want more. As a child, Pip was ignorant, obedient, and fearful because of his upbringing, but due to his interactions with Miss Havisham and Estella he began to yearn for more and develop both ambition and snobbery. Pip being brought up by a hand by his sister Mrs. Joe, caused him to lead his boyhood as a reserved child. He lived in constant fear and always obeyed his superiors. This ultimately lead him to conform to the convict’s requests at their first meeting which started most of the major events that would lead Pip to become a gentleman in London. The other factor that changed Pip’s world was Miss Havisham and Estella. Pip was a simple orphan boy who was brought up by a blacksmith and excited to one day be one himself. However, upon being brought into the world of the wealthy grew to view himself …show more content…

He wanted to be a blacksmith because his best friend Joe was a blacksmith and he instilled those positive feelings he had for Joe with his feelings towards being a blacksmith. Once Pip met Miss Havisham and was introduced to her lifestyle he found that “I was much more ignorant than I had considered myself last night; and generally that I was in a low-lived bad way” (Dickens 63). Now that he saw that there was something else besides what he was doing he wanted to be doing it. Pip was also brought up with a lot of fear due to the harshness of Mrs. Joe. This fear that was infused into Pip as a boy eventually led him to go after what he really wanted which was being a gentleman and Estella because he was so afraid of not being happy with his

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