How Does Anne Frank Impact On Society

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Anne Frank has been honored by people around the world for over 70 years. She became famous for her diary documenting her experiences hiding in the Secret Annex during WWII. Her story has had a lasting impact on society for its insight and inspiration.

To lead off, Anne’s narrative has had a continuing influence on society because of the first-hand view it provided of the effects of WWII. Her diary connects with its readers, allowing others to feel what she and other Jews went through. In source 2, Anne writes, “ Jews and Christians alike are waiting, the whole world is waiting, and many are waiting for death.” Her account tells of the suffering of the war in a way that is mature, descriptive and emotional. Anne has a brilliant perception of her world and describes both her personal struggles and those of all Jews in a unique way. The author of source 3 writes, “How astonishing that a teenager could have written so intelligently and so movingly about a subject that continues to overwhelm the adult imagination.” …show more content…

Anne is able to remain hopeful and dreamy hidden in the Annex. According to Anne’s diary in source 1, Anne writes, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart.” She cares greatly for others suffering similar fates and those less fortunate than herself. She knows she is lucky to be hiding, and feels for other children who have nothing rather than drowning in self-pity. Anne writes in source 2, “Luckier than millions of people.” and “...hordes of children stop passerby in the streets to beg for a piece of bread.” Anne’s care for others, hopeful attitude, and her ability to make the most of such a disheartening situation make her story something

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