How Do Child Beauty Pageants Affect a Child’s Development?

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The fight for beauty has now leaked into our young children and is creating countless issues that will be visible in these children and their futures. Like the old saying; beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone or something that is considered attractive, good looking, etc. to one person may not exactly appeal the same to another. If we lived in a “perfect” world, maybe everyone would follow these wise words and admit that evaluating beauty is such a biased thing to do. Beauty pageants are becoming more and more popular since they were created back in the 1920's. Especially, children pageants. The media is a big provoker in this case with their ‘Little Miss Perfect” and “Toddlers in Tiaras” shows. In which, it’s clear the level of commitment a pageant takes and how they are not bearable for children, and I mean simply unfair for them to go through the burden of a beauty pageant.
For nearly fifty years, children have been subjected to the world of beauty pageants where they have been forced to behave in an older way rather than their actual ages. I used the word forced because I believe that no 4, 7 year old would actually chose to go through what pageant kids go through every single day. Yet, some of them may view it as a “fun” thing, but it’s mostly that they are expected to see it that way. Rather than them actually believing it’s fun. Beauty pageants just causes unrealistic beauty standards which easily influenced young girls, and they encourage judging on appearance, rather than on a person's character.
Essentially what happens is that girls as young as five are dressed up like mannequins by their pushy mothers. There’s nothing interesting, good, fun or enriching about it; it’s just weird. Although, it sure is a great e...

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...lly instills a need to fit those images and if those are not achieved, we feel a sense of guilt and worthlessness. I feel like a way we can “fix” this problem is by not talking about this at all. I mean, if we just start complimenting people on their personality and talents while completely ignoring the looks. It makes children believe that personality is much more important. Don’t you think?
Honestly, they are being set up for a life of materialistic possessions and being obsess with looks and outer appearance in general. Kids deserve to play, a kids worry should be what game to play next. Not if their makeup is spotless and their hair perfect. It’s ridiculous; they are growing up way too fast. I think childhood should be a place, where a kid, should be allowed to be a kid. The most precious moments of your life certainly not the ones you wouldn’t like to relieve.

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