How Did The Tension That Lead To The American Revolution

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1754-1763 French and Indian War- The English and the French fought for domination in North America, the Caribbean, and India. The British won the war, but were left in huge debt. This dept is what created the tension that led to the American Revolution. April 5, 1764 Sugar Act- The Sugar Act lowered the rate of tax on molasses. It went from six pence per gallon to three pence per gallon. The Sugar Act also put a tax on sugar, wines, coffee, and other foreign goods. This decreased the trade in areas around what is now known as Haiti. This disrupted the economy in the colonies since it decreased the amount of places the colonies could sell to. This act led to the revolt of the Stamp Act. February 6, 1765 Stamp Act- The Stamp Act was one of the first attempts to give the government power over the colonies. June 9. 1767 Townshend Revenue Act- The Townshend Act was the taxation placed on paper, tea, lead, paint, glass, and oil. March 5, 1770 …show more content…

Patriot colonists were throwing snowballs and sticks at a group of British soldiers. The soldiers shot into the mob and killed three colonists immediately and two died later on. A trial was then called to remove the British troops and to trial the British soldiers who shot the five colonists for murder. John Adams and Josiah Quincy ll defended the British troops. The soldiers were released, but two of the men soldiers were later found guilty of murder. This was an event that greatly influenced the American Revolution. It led to the evacuation of the troops in Boston and led to the armed rebellion throughout the

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