How Did St. Paul Believe That The Gospel Was Given To The Jews

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St. Paul did not believe that the gospel was limited to the Jews. St. Paul believes that inside an eschatological community, men and women are equal (Gal 3:27). He believes judgements are nullified by baptism. St. Paul believed that Jesus revealed to him, through God, so that he could spread the gospel among the gentiles (Gal 1:16-17). St. Paul write that God’s promise to Abraham had been fulfilled through Jesus Christ, the law was now lifted and was no longer needed. St. Paul then proclaimed that gentiles were to become followers of Christianity, and under no circumstance were they obligated by Mosaic Law. On the other hand, they were required to have faith and worship the one true God (Gal 3:6-13). Due to circumcision not being required any

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