How Did Nationalism Play A Major Cause Of The Austro-Prussian War?

510 Words2 Pages

Thomas Knutson
England Since 1714 - HIST 3122

Research Proposal

Preliminary Hypotheses: Due to Prussian’s advanced army recruitment, promptness of mobilization through railways, weapons, and economic factors, the outcome of the Austro-Prussian war was a given victory. 1) What were the causes of the Austro-Prussian War and how did Nationalism play a major role during this time period?

During this time era, German Nationalism was exemplified partly from Napoleon I’s French Nationalism movement and the Romantic era. German nationalist’s goal was to unify all of Germany under one state. Otto von Bismarck argued that he arranged skirmishes in order to bring life to the North German Confederation and the inevitable unification of Germany. …show more content…

Citizens were required military service for at least three years. In doing so, the Prussian military drastically increased. The Austrian army was not required to train like the Prussians. Many soldiers were often dismissed to their families on permanent leave. When war broke out, the Austrian infantry soldiers were brought transferred from home and had to retrain, while on the other hand, the Prussian infantry soldiers were permanently training. The Prussian soldiers were arguably better disciplined and experienced for war. Although Austrian infantry were inferior to the Prussian’s infantry, both armies were deemed equally in their cavalry and artillery …show more content…

This meant each military unit could be quickly mobilized. Austrian armies were located far from their homes in order to prevent separatist revolts. If called to action by their units, Austrian armies would take weeks to report for duty. Prussian armies were much faster to mobilize than the Austrian armies. The railway system was very important during this time period because it was used for transporting troops and weaponry. Prussian’s railway system was far more developed compared to Austria’s. Prussian’s had bolt-action rifles compared to Austria’s muzzle-loading weapons. Prussian’s economy was expanding and thriving due to Zollverein. Austria’s economy was declining due to 1848’s Hungarian Revolution.

3) Where were the after effects of the Austro-Prussian war?

Defeated countries had war reparations placed upon them. Austria was removed from Germany. Hanover was seized by Prussia. Neutral countries brought forth the end of German Confederation. Luxemburg and Limburg became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands due to the Treaty of London of 1867.

Worth Studying: This topic is worth studying because once every factor of war is considered and implemented, it becomes very apparent that the further advanced countries have a far greater chance of becoming victors no matter the number of allies

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