How Did John Locke's Influence On The American Revolution

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Ashli Trammell Final Essay #1 The ideas of human rights and liberties have definitely evolved between the year 1500 and present day. The entire world has been affected by the progression and change that has happened throughout the years. Historical prompts like The English Bill of rights, The National Assembly, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other primary source documents created the lives we have today. The ideas affected both the political landscape and the individual lives of ordinary people by changing the world’s view on equality and human beings divine right to freedom. The English Bill of Rights, 1689 was meant to create an establishment and order of the people, stated in the beginning of the text, “religion, laws, and liberties so that it might not again be in danger of being subverted”. It was supposed to be the change the people have been looking for in the monarchy. The people wanted a say in their way of living. They wanted to be able to determine the amount of power their new King would uphold and how the King would use it. The Bill of Rights was meant to help declare the rights and liberties of people and the new successor of the crown. One of the declarations was “that it is the right of the subjects to petition the King, and all commitments and prosecutions for …show more content…

It changed the origins and structure of the civil society and created an uprising of the people. Locke believed that if God were ever removed from the civility in a society then there would be no reason to exist. The ruling powers of the anarchy were not natural and not in Gods plan. The key element of a successful government was an everlasting process in order to preserve “life, liberty, and property”. History for the past, present, and future must understand that people were all born with the same advantages, that nature is the way of

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