How Did Culture Affect American Culture

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The journey of Africans, from the home of the ancient ancestors of all human beings and the cradle of civilization to Americas, was nothing short of a holocaust. Africans were shackled and loaded onto the ship in the most inhuman ways in history and brought to North America. Africa is home to a diverse array of ethnicities with rich heritage, languages, customs and cultures. When they arrived in America, the slaves brought their cultures and practices as well as skills with them. As Africans status in America changes from indentured servant to a chattel, the slaves quest for freedom from the cruel slavery practices highlighted by the Stono rebellion act of Nat Turner in Virginia to the underground railroad slave passage lead by Harriet Tubman …show more content…

Africans and blacks in America start to unite across cultural and language boundaries and embraced their African traditions. With such celebration known as Negro Election Day, as stated: “Negro Election Day combined the Puritan tradition of an election day holiday with African rituals of festive role reversals, in which the powerless temporarily played the role of the powerful” (115). They were also creating a mixture of African and American culture, but simultaneously unique. Nevertheless, Africans in North America slowly develop distinctive traditions in music, art, religion, food, and holidays. The outcome is a dynamic, creative culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on mainstream American culture and the …show more content…

The rise of evangelical and Methodist Christian rivalry gave birth to the second Great Awakening to s to seek equality through religion. Nat Tuner often express his powerful religious visions that inspires his actions, he says: “the great day of judgment … signs in the heavens that I would make known to me when I should commence the great work” (225). The quest for freedom continues with action of like Harriet Tubman who help many slave escape to freedom through underground railroad network. Outstanding creative of runaway slave couples from savanna from Savannah, Georgia Ellen and William craft. The story that always amazes me such as Henry “Box” Brown a slave from Virginia who shipped himself to Pennsylvania the scape slavery. However, many remained slave and stayed behind to protect their families from

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