How Are We Going To Handle Illegal Immigrants?

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Illegal Immigrants
Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton. One of the most talked about elections of all time. There were many intense debates leaving people biting their fingernails or screaming at their opponent. One of the common questions that came up in these debates was “How are we going to handle illegal immigrants?” Over 12 million illegal aliens are living in our country at this very moment. 12 million people who cheated the system, cost us money, and stole our jobs
Illegal immigrants have become a big problem in our country and was frequently addressed in the recent election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. “An immigrant is a person who legally comes to a country to take up permanent residence. An “illegal” immigrant is a person who does so without following the established legal procedures of the destination country and who resides in that country without proper visas or other documents.” (Gale 1). This is very unfair to the people that go through the work and use their time and energy to get here legally. Illegal immigrants can be of all races and come …show more content…

In 2015 a poll was taken on future legal status of illegal aliens. 72% of the people agreed that illegals should have a way to stay legally (Gale 2). This would fix the problem with having to spend billions to deport immigrants. This would also solve the problem of families being separated. It would be the illegal aliens responsibility to report their immigration and apply for citizenship. Once they applied for citizenship and got approved like everyone else they would be allowed to stay and become official citizens. If illegal immigrants did not report their immigration and are caught cheating it would be assumed they are up to no good and they would be deported. Although we would still need to deport illegals, there would be significantly less. This would lower deportation costs and unhappy

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