Bystander Response Essay

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Learning about the criminal and victims relationships and bystander response has helped me to expand my knowledge regarding this subject. The relationship between victims and criminals is tense. There has been many debates from each side’s point of view. Some people say that by having relationships with offenders will make you a criminal as well. Bystander plays an important role when trying to solve crimes. Bystander is a person present but not involved in the crime, meaning they are persons who saw what was going on during the crime.
Eyewitnesses play a dynamic and important role when trying to expose the truth about a crime. “Even the most honest and objective people can make mistakes in recalling and interpreting a witnessed event”. (Reno, …show more content…

“Initial report of crime, mug books and composites, procedures for interviewing the witness by the follow-up investigator, field identification procedure, and procedure for eyewitness identification of suspects”. (Reno, 1999) The first section is the initial report of the crime, which is the first responder which includes the 911 emergency call-taker as well as the call-taker dispatcher. The information obtained from the witness is extremely important for the safety of everyone involved in the investigation. The second section is mug books and composites, meaning the composition of a mug book that may include the witness to provide a lea in a case. Then, procedures for interviewing the witness by the follow investigator, this is when preparing for an interview with effectiveness of witness participation and interviewer efficiency. Follow by field identification procedure, which is the prompt display of a single suspect to a witness. Lastly, procedures for eyewitness meaning the identification of suspects. “Bystanders are more likely to help the victim”. (Slater, 2014) They are an important role when solving crimes because it helps policing to have a visual of the …show more content…

There has been an intense debate in the relationship between the two. “The debate is whether the people become delinquent because they associate with delinquents peers or whether people seek or delinquent peers because they are delinquent themselves”. (Shaffer, 2004) Adolescents are more likely to form a friendship with other delinquents. When this friendship is formed, delinquency increases because of their propensity for delinquency. The debate is crucial, in some cases having a friendship with criminals can help the offender to realize that committing crimes is not tolerable. On the other hand, sometimes having a relationship with a criminal can lead non-criminals to commit crimes and become

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