Parental Influence on Children's Eating Habits

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This research aims to firstly investigate how a person being raised as healthy eater will affect his children eating habits, and whether it will change if the person raised unhealthy. Secondly discuss about Saudi children being raised in a healthy eating environment and how this will affect their adulthood eating habits and their satisfaction toward their health condition. Thirdly discuss how some people who were raised healthy turn to be unhealthy in their adulthood, and why. The majority of participants’ age ranges between 19 and 25 years old as shown in (Table 1). Most of participants answered the survey in Arabic language, which is the mother tongue for most of them. The number of responses from parents is too small compared to the whole responses number which is 159. Survey responses percentage can be seen in (Table.1). Result showed a strong connection between parents being raised in a healthy environment and raising their children in a healthy way. 50% of parents’ answers showed that they weren’t raised healthy. And 66.67% out of those participants let their 2 to 6 years old child drink soft drinks which consider unhealthy. However, when comparing this number with parents who said that they were raised This proves that if parents were raised in a healthy environment, they will be more likely to raise their children in a healthy environment as well. A study done by Scaglioni, Salvioni, and Galimberti (2008) state that parent eating behaviors directly affect children. Parents could encourage children to be healthy eater with good health or the opposite through the environment they put their children in. Moreover, being a good healthy eating model is the best thing to do to make children eat healthy. (p. s22). This supports what the result has

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