Hospice: My Life Changing Experience

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Many things have shaped me into the person I am today. Some of them are so insignificant I can't even place them, but others I will remember until I take my very last breath. I will never forget what happened to me and my family since the time my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Because my mom had cancer for a good portion of my childhood, I became very mature, gained a new respect for people, and I have developed a new outlook on life.
I had to become very mature very quickly after my mom got sick. My mom was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer in 2008. I was only eleven years old. It was shocking to me because I was still a little girl, and I was worry free and happy. Having her so sick changed me because I didn't have the time to be a little girl anymore. I had to take care of my younger siblings because there was nobody else able to. I hated seeing my mom so sick; it tore me apart. I was always left alone with my two little sisters. I had no time to do anything for myself, and at the time I felt it was very unfair. My dad made me stop all of my after school activities, so that I could be at home with my younger sisters. I grew to hate my parents because I desperately wanted their attention, but they were always too busy. Things that were important to me weren't important to them, and I was furious. I had to grow up faster than most kids.
I had to take on a lot of responsibility when my mom got sick; my new responsibilities also helped me become more mature. I learned a lot of valuable things when my mom was sick. Having her too sick to do anything forced me into taking charge. So, when she became sick again in 2010 I was prepared. It really was not a shock to me because somehow I knew she would not stay well for long. I...

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...ered. My mom missed a good portion of my childhood, and now she remains more of a friend than she is my mother. I am very independent with my choices today because of having to make adult decisions so young. I would not be as smart, polite, and put together as I am today if my mom would have never been diagnosed with cancer. At sixteen I understand things about the value of life that most people don't understand until much later.
I will always be headstrong and brave because of the things I have learned during the time my mom has been sick. The memories, thoughts, values, and fears I have formed while my mom has had cancer will stay with me forever. I hope that the negative experiences I have had continue to change me for the better. Over the time my mom has been sick, I have become very mature, I have a new respect for people, and I have a new outlook on life.

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